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15 mars 2009 7 15 /03 /mars /2009 00:03

Pays : Macao 
Région administrative spéciale de la Chine,
Ville : Macao  ( Macau)
Eglise :
Saint Dominic

Infos sur Macao sur le site de Dany,  le 1er article:

Infos sur
Site très complet. ==> Macao est situé au sud de la Chine, sur la mer de Chine méridionale, sur la rive ouest du delta de la rivière des Perles. Le territoire est frontalier de la province du Guangdong. Il s'agit d'une région densément peuplée et fortement ouverte aux investissements extérieurs. Hong Kong se trouve de l'autre côté du delta, à environ 70 kilomètres. Canton est situé un peu plus en amont, à environ 150 kilomètres .

Autres églises de Macao sur ce blog:
[ Ste Augustine ]. [ St Joseph]. [ St Dominic ]. [ Cathédrale de Macao]. [ Ruines église St Paul]

Eglise de Macao,St-dominicSite sur cette église avec photos:

=>> extrait /----The Church of Sto. Domingo is one of the most beautiful churches in Macau. You will never miss this yellow and green Church right in the middle of Leal Senado plaza of Macau. It is along a junction of a street and an alleyway bearing the same name.
Sto. Domingo is a baroque Filipino style church built by the Spanish Dominican friars in the mid 16th century.
Walkway on the right of the church which leads to the sacristy and the Sacred Museum on the upper floors.
They also built next to the church a monastery which does not exist anymore.
The painting of Chinnery at the right shows the plaza in front of the church. This plaza used to be the marketplace.
The Dominicans eventually managed to set up churches in China.

About St. Dominic

Founder of the Order of Preachers, commonly known as the Dominican Order; born at Calaroga, in Old Castile, c. 1170; died 6 August, 1221.
His parents, Felix Guzman and Joanna of Aza, undoubtedly belonged to the nobility of Spain, though probably neither was connected with the reigning house of Castile, as some of the saint's biographers assert. Of Felix Guzman, personally, little is known, except that he was in every sense the worthy head of a family of saints. To nobility of blood Joanna of Aza added a nobility of soul which so enshrined her in the popular veneration that in 1828 she was solemnly beatified by Leo XII.

The example of such parents was not without its effect upon their children. Not only Saint Dominic but also his brothers, Antonio and Manes, were distinguished for their extraordinary sanctity.

Antonio, the eldest, became a secular priest and, having distributed his patrimony to the poor, entered a hospital where he spent his life minis ministering to the sick.

Une photo de la façade:

Eglise de Macao,Saint-dominic

  la nef centrale:

Eglise de Macao,Saint-dominic

  Le choeur:

Eglise de Macao,Saint-dominic

Une photo de plus près:

Eglise de Macao,Saint-dominic


Eglise de Macao,Saint-dominic

Une chapelle:

Eglise de Macao,Saint-dominic

Une autre chapelle:

Eglise de Macao,Saint-dominic

Une autre chapelle: St François d'assise

Eglise de Macao,Saint-dominic

Sur le côté du choeur:

Eglise de Macao,Saint-dominic

Un confesssionnal:

Eglise de Macao,Saint-dominic

La nef centrale,vers l'extérieur, même qu'un jeune me prend en photo, ils ont jamais vu de 'blanc':
Cest curieux d'ailleurs, les gens se tiennent toujours près de la sortie, rarement au 1er rang (??)

Eglise de Macao,Saint-dominic

Publié par Kelly - dans Eglises de Macao


**Exoclic: 1 clic/jour merci **

**Adhitz: 1 clic/jour merci **
